Greg Falski dropped some outtakes he’s collected through 2011 of the Ninja Cats. My two favourites are below. Quality captures of some boundary pushing riding.
Kuala Lumpur International Fixed Gear Tournament will happen on the 15th and 16th September this year. Write those dates down,
start planning, start training and start saving up. Crit races, track races, trick comp and many more.
Why the event start on September? Start the event just like last year.. The date i got exam.. If it start like last year.. I can join the Trick competition :).. I want to jamming with the Thai 🙂
Hope to change the date like last year…
Boleh buat lambat sikit tak ?
[…] teaser for KLIFGT 2012, which is happening on the 15th and 16th September. window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({appId: "118257171540658", status: true, cookie: true, […]
will be back this year with the rest of my crew!
Beers Instead of Gears
Perth, Australia