Tash on Landscape Magazine cover
Issue #11 of Belgium-based which as you know includes some slick photos and a couple of interviews of the crew. It's all confidential at the moment, but we've had an exclusive peek at the cover, which features [...]
Issue #11 of Belgium-based which as you know includes some slick photos and a couple of interviews of the crew. It's all confidential at the moment, but we've had an exclusive peek at the cover, which features [...]
http://vimeo.com/12340461 Just a quick edit of some of us fooling around London, edit by Angus Sung. Need a skateboard to film, can't ride and film at the same time. Riders: Andrew Cheek Luke
David Cheek went to Tour Series Canary Wharf couple of weeks ago and someone took this photo of him for a front cover of a photo bank of the event.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8SQlXMJBbU&feature=player_embedded Such a sick edit with some SICK BMX riding! Seen at Macaframa.
http://vimeo.com/7344540 The dudes from ROCK'N'ROLLIN might join us on our London to Paris ride. Pretty good news! It will be dope if they do. Make it happen boys. I really dig their edits, check their [...]
http://vimeo.com/12296625 This quick edit is pretty great. Love it! I love the creativity and skills from the guys at City Grounds.
I went up to Evans with Johnny Fitz to visit our boy David Cheek and he showed us his Time Trial bike with double 650c hed wheel. I had to take the bike outside for [...]
I love keirin racing and whilst watching a few races on YouTube I came across the 59th Japanese championship Keirin final. Keep an eye on the guy in white he doesn't win but I dig [...]
Howie's T-shirt of the week ‘Like Bike’ by Chester Bigglesworth. We like to bike. It’s the thing that gave you freedom as a kid. And the thing that gives you freedom as a grown-up. It [...]