We all have different jobs and different schedules here in London,
but we do try and meet up a few times of week to ride together. It varies from Regents and Richmond park to county lanes around Essex or Surrey. If you see one or a few of us,
say hi or give us a high 5! Here are a couple of shots of a few of us by Josh Greet. Have a great weekend and ride safe all.

Two of our riders Josh and Kendal,
one is bearded and the other is not,
are doing the Cent Cols Challenge in September to raise money for the Isle of Wight chemotherapy unit and Cancer Research UK. They have started a photographic blog called Fifteen Thousand Feet documenting their fundraising efforts and training. They have been motivating the whole team by riding a lot recently. Please help them spread the word and get behind our guys by helping them out with any donation possible.

We both began cycling a few years ago and since then have been constantly challenging ourselves to do longer, faster, harder rides. Last year we decided that we wanted to find a way that we could help people through cycling. This blog will document our training, racing, fundraising and challenges. In september we are doing our first big event the Cent Cols Challenge – Dolomites in italy, to help raise money for the Isle of Wight chemotherapy unit and Cancer Research UK. The challenge consists of 2000 kilometres and 162,335ft of climbing over 10 stages. Thats the equivalent of climbing Mt. Everest five and a half times.” Josh + Kendal | Fifteen Thousand Feet.