Grants Tomb truly is like the first day of school, it might not be technically the first available race of the NYC season but its THE first race of the year.

Hands are shaken with new and old adversaries, probed and given the lift test.

Basked in sunshine and with a whistle time of 12.50 pm it truly felt like road had arrived.

Eager to ride the wave of team morale from last weeks Branchbrook we went into the 3-4  race mob handed; which is just as well since odds of one of us being taken out in a jostling fast crit were high (I was that team member and ever so thankful I’d left the vias at home for one last run out on the green machine)

Pino and newest recruit Lightman brought us home a double podium taking 2nd and 3rd respectively. Placing a stake in the ground for the #5thnyc intentions for this year midst our peers; now is that pressure added or lifted?
