Our boy Angus Sung is back and took loads of great photos of London’s Fast Forward event.
Here are a few…
Check his Flickr set to see them all.
London results:
Results: Darren ‘We Be Dazzin’ Coxon @ 41mins02secs
Overdrive @ 41mins02secs
Tim Hayward @ 41mins03secs
James Thorne Esq @ 41mins10secs
Tom Titty @ 41mins13secs
Mark Definietly Not @41mins36secs
Ryan the Canadian @ 43mins42secs
Alex Berry @ 51mins25secs
Rudy Melo @ 51mins25secs
10. Alex Le Feuvre @ 51mins26secs
Jamie Clough
Also Ran
John Henderson
Rob Copper
Dave Proctor
Daniel Mateus
Phillipe Nevarev
Johnny Fitz
David Hall
Jake Blanch
Harvey Grainger
Luke Clarke
Peter Piper
Northern Sam
Northern Faima
Olly Skipwith
Stevie Bell
Liz Hughes
Tokyo Fixed Gear Nike Bike
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