Decided that I couldn’t go any further into 2011 without divesting myself of the dirt of 2010. Spent a satisfying few hours working on the bike, made easier and more effectual due to the Feedback Sports repair stand and Pedro’s products so thanks again guys.
I used;
agitated with brushes.
Rubbed over more stubborn parts and white of tyres with Oranj Peelz also used this on the drive-train.
Rinsed and chamoied before sprayed with a water dispersing ptfe spray.
Finally coated in bike lust for sheen and protection and re-lubed with Chain-J to see me through the inevitable variable conditions over the next few weeks.
The salt seems to have eaten into my axle bolts so i’ll be looking to swap these out for some anodised Halo ones asap!
I just put my leader in the bath…
Good effort.Nice to see a bike being loved. I would tape up your break mount
Drill holes, keep the grime out. Fresh and Clean
not a bad idea mate, saves getting the cotton buds out too!